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TEXT:  -  ‘Let both grow together until the harvest and on the time of harvest I will say to the reaper, gather together first the tares to burn them but gather the wheat into my barn’ - Matt. 13:30. 

*The word harvest means gathering of things planted, a time of reaping to enjoy what has been produced during the year in an agricultural community. Jesus underscoring the importance of harvest enjoined believers to ask the ‘Lord of harvest’ to send labourers into His field - Matt.9:38.
*Harvest time is also the time of seperation between the good crops and the bad ones. In our bible passage Jesus gave us the parable of the man who sowed good seed in his field, but while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat and went away - Matt.13:24-25.

*God planted good seeds in His field but Satan came at night and sowed weeds in His attempt to spoil God’s work. Apostle Paul wrote to the Church at Corinth that ‘You are God’s field and God’s building (1Cor.3:9). Jesus makes it clear that the world will alway be like this until He comes again for the final harvest.
*The wheats and the tares are one way or the other connected together just as children of God and those of the devil are rooted in the same soil but at the time of harvest which is the judgement day when the divine separation shall be done - Jer.51:33, Hos. 6:11.
*To all true Christians what harvest means is clearly indicated in the parable of Jesus Christ concerning the tares and the wheat. As it is written Matt.13:24-30 Jesus Christ gave the interpretation of the parable to his disciples as it is written (Matt.13:36-40)
*It is of great interest to Christians to know that we are now in the harvest age and God is already gathering His sheep i.e. the children of the kingdom into His fold through the preaching of the gospel - Matt. 24:14.

*This work will continue until the end of the ages when God through Jesus Christ and His holy angels will take vengeance on the devil, his agents and all those workers of iniquities who gave themselves to Satan to do his will - Matt. 13:41-42.
*To those who are not ready for the harvest of the Lord, the judgement day is already awaiting them as Prophet Zephaniah wrote in Zep.1:14-18. Cp. Rev. 14:14-19.
*Those who are not on the Lord’s side, judgement shall kindled upon them by fire which is the symbol of torment and anguish that the wicked shall suffer at that time as reward for their sins before they they will die and go to everlasting destruction - Rom.2: 8-9.

Sermon Compiled  By: Glorious Youth Editorial Crew.

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