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TEXT:-  “Therefore, you also be ready, for the Son of man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” - Matt. 24:44

*Advent (from the Latin word adventus, means ‘coming’) is considered to be the beginning of the Church Year for most churches in the Western tradition. It begins on the 4th Sunday before Christmas Day and ends on Christmas Eve (Dec 24).
*The season for most Christians is one of hope and of anticipation as it re-enacts the kind that was the lots of the Jews under the Roman Empire and before the birth of Jesus - Lk. 3:15. At its beginnings the emphasis was more on penitence for Sin.

*For most Christians it is not just a celebration of a moment in time when a baby was born, but a look beyond to a time when the Bible tells us that Jesus will come again not as a weak and vulnerable baby but as the Judge in power and with authority.
*The traditional Scripture readings for the time emphasis both the 1st &2nd Coming of Jesus Christ and our accountability for faithfulness at His coming, judgment on Sin and the hope of eternal life - Matt.24:36,44; Isa. 9:2-7
*Advent is also a spiritual journey that Christians take, through the truths of Scripture that point to the birth of Messiah, to a reaffirmation that he has come, is present in the world today and will come again in glory - Luk. 2:1-7; 24:50-52.

*It mirrors the journey of faith that Christians make after acceptance of who Jesus is,
taking that first step of faith in commitment, to walking with increasing understanding and looking forward to our destination which is to be in His presence forever!
*The Advent is a period of preparation to meet our Saviour when He appears in glory to gather the elects to reign with Him eternally. We must walk in the light that the day doesn’t meet us unprepared - Isa.2:2, 5. Paul admonished us to cast off the works of darkness and put on the armour of light - Rom. 13:12-14.
*This can be achieved as we submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, meditating of His words with ceaseless prayers - Josh. 1:8; 1 These. 5:17.

Jesus isn't just the reason for the season. He's the reason for every day of life.

My father and my God help me to always be ready. I do not know when you will come. Amen

I hope in the coming of the Lord in Glory. Therefore, I shall not be cast away in Jesus name. Amen

Join us next Sunday for another impactful moment with God. May you be richly blessed and endued to serve God in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

Your Vicar & Pastor
Ven. Remi Afosi

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The Glorious Youth Editorial Crew.

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Happy Sunday To You All
God bless